There is no denying of the fact that global human population is aging steadily and the trend does not appear to be reversible. For different reasons, more and more people across the globe are choosing to have fewer children or foregoing parenthood altogether. This, along with the rising cost of living, diminishing pensions are putting pressure on millions of people to stay in an organization for a longer duration. Compare this with a few decades ago and you will find that these people would have retired by now, but today leaving work is not a realistic option.
The question now is whether your organization is better prepared for dealing with an aging workforce. Hiring and managing a team of middle-aged workers with families to feed is completely different than bulk hiring for a startup using automated process using an applicant tracking system . There is a need for a shift in mentality when it comes to providing maximum employee satisfaction and productivity to these employees.
So, the question is where to begin? Before deciding to make any changes, think about the pulse of your organization. Are older people mostly in the authoritative positions or are evenly spread from entry level to senior level positions? Where do they spend most of their time while on the job? Has their performance changed over time? Are they happy? By getting appropriate answers to these questions, you will find out the improvement areas to make your workplace better for older employees. Let us now look at some of the improvements that you can make in your organization:
Promote accessibility
It is never a good idea to wait for a compliant or someone getting injured before implementing the accessibility measures. Accommodate visual and hearing impairments which can be done by adjusting text sizes of the documents or purchasing special headsets etc.
Provide flexible schedules
Older people need to visit doctors as they have some or the other health issues. They also need to take more breaks to rest than younger generations. It is important as an employer to encourage health first notion while on the job. By providing older employees the opportunity to visit doctors for appointments, work reduced hours or even telecommute whenever required will take care of both health and productivity of older employees.
Design attractive benefits package for older employees
It needs to be considered that an employee in their last 60s will have a different health need than an employee in their last 20s. If your organization has not considered by providing a separate attractive benefits package for older employees it is time to think about that impromptu.
Encourage team cohesion
While certain section in your organization might perceive older generation to be an obstacle, it is a perfect opportunity to inspire cross-pollination of ideas between employees of different generations and backgrounds. It has been researched and found out that diverse teams outperform as diversity creates strength and reduces risk. Try to build an open-minded culture and try to get the maximum out of the diverse work group.
Make the older employees feel valued
It is important to uphold the dignity of the older employees. The truth is, no matter how great your organization might be, certain section of the older employees will always wish they could retire but simply cannot afford to. It can be a very awkward feeling for them to work alongside or report to people half their age and even embarrassing. Always be mindful about the interactions with them. Make them feel valued by showing appreciation for their hard work by including them in social media activities.
Vivek Asrani is a content specialist at Talentnow RecruitX, a world class Applicant Tracking System built for staffing agencies. Vivek writes about the various aspects of recruitment technology.
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